The disadvantages of poor vision are easily recognizable, and there are numerous treatment options available that can capably improve eyesight. Why, then, should you consider LASIK eye surgery over a non-surgical approach? That depends on your individual needs and goals. LASIK surgery from our board certified eye surgeons offers abundant benefits that can be life-changing. Only you can determine which modality is right for you, but we’re happy to help. In this blog, we have detailed some of the ways in which LASIK surgery can enhance not only your vision but also your way of life.

Eyeglasses and contact lenses are helpful, but they have some drawbacks. Glasses can break, sit uncomfortably on the face, or even go out of style. Contact lenses can also cause discomfort, and they require considerable daily maintenance for hygienic reasons. Both vision correction options can be lost, damaged, or forgotten, and then your eyesight is impaired.

LASIK surgery is different. You don’t have to remember to bring anything in order to watch a movie clearly. You needn’t remove anything to go for a swim. You aren’t restrained from lying on your side, where a pillow could otherwise crush a pair of glasses. LASIK is designed to correct your natural eyesight, and your improved vision goes everywhere you do. Furthermore, recovery from this procedure typically will be quick, and most patients experience immediate improvement in their eyesight. If you’re frustrated by the constraints imposed by traditional corrective lenses, LASIK surgery can dramatically enhance your quality of life.

Your vision allows you to do so much; don’t let corrective eyewear hamper your day-to-day experience. For more information about Austin LASIK surgery, or to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our ophthalmologists, please contact us today.